Aesthete is a jewlery designed based on a beautiful story. This product will direct consumer to take a focused look at marketing, advertising and the packaging of something has questionable value and create need and desire for it.

Aesthete (adj)
Someone with deep sensitivity to the beauty of art or nature and subtly
"River needs spring"
This is a vague quote, which leads to various perceptions and understandings, because both the statement and the product shared the same identity of being a necessity to others. The story happens at the beach. It's by the sea. And the "spring" also has the mountain water meaning which could explained my idea that is people will need my product like the river needs spring. And this quote has some uplifting spirit which correspond to the product as well.

A story about a little girl with her precious lucky gem stones
“When I was 6 years old, I receive my first gift from my dad. He told me that he had picked it up from a beach which has an old and beautiful fairy tale. The local grandfather said that when you picked up a stone that is clear but has a little color, do not be in a hurry to throw it away, keep it with you, it will bring you good luck. So my father went to the beach and pick up a lot of gem rocks to give me, he said he would send me one for each year. I kept it carefully in my jewelry box and took them to everywhere. It will give me a sense of home feeling, just like my father always by my side.
When I grew up, I realized that my father was too busy to buy me a gift, so he kept sending rocks to fix this white lie. I have always treasured these rocks because it means a lot to me. I hope I can bring this happiness and luck to more people. Thus, I came up with an idea. I am going to make these stones into a necklace. And I hope it will bring good luck to the people who buy it.”

Variation of packaging

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