Covertube is a portable handle cover, fundamentally solves the phenomenon that people spread the virus through contact with supermarket carts. Also, we add other functions on this basis, such as shopping list, sharing with family, recipe research, etc.

Due to the full-scale outbreak of the coronavirus in 2019, the global economy, business, education and politics have all been affected which can not to be underestimated. This also brings a lot of inconvenience to people’s lives, take the example of shopping in the supermarket in daily life. The shopping cart of the supermarket is touched by hundreds of people every day, which in essence greatly increases the speed of the virus. Therefore, in response I designed a cover for supermarket shopping cart handles to better prevent people from getting sick.
Hope this handle cover design can help people increase their awareness of self-protection and environmental protection. Let everyone understand the importance of epidemic prevention work.

These two sketches are showing the different options for protector design, charger position, screen area and foldable material choosing. Also, trying to figure out what essentail apps will be show on the screen which people can use bluetooth connect to their phone, so that customer can upload any information immediatly and transfer to the covertube.

“My Profile”/Basic Settings
It can help you plan the most efficient shopping route and guide you to the location of the items you want to buy according to your shopping list and the supermarket you are in. Also, it can show where your cart located to help if you forget your cart in case.
Share lists with family and friends, they can add things they want
My cart
Shopping lists & Checklists
Research and organize your recipes, add ingredients to your lists
Comapre products price to other stores

Final color decided using light color which makes customer feel refreashing and pleasant. In the context of the global epidemic, hope Covertube can satisfy and delight our customers, because I care about our environment and communities.